Teachers/Cadet Officers/Cadets/AMs
If you are interested to be a volunteer for the 2015 SEA Games that will be conducted in Singapore from 5 to 16 June you can submit your names to Training will be form Sep 14 to May 15. A golden opportunity not to be missed.
SM, what will we most likely be doing as volunteers ??
SM,may I ask, who in NCC can salute? Can Specialists or Cadet Officers salute to state flag?
1. Flag raising and prize presentation.
2. Every cadets of the Corps can salute.
SM, There is a blue and green lanyard sold in the gift shop. What does it represent?
So will the Volunteers be in NCC uniform in the SEA games?
SM, is NCC participating in next year's SYF opening ceremony too?
SM will NCC be in NDP 2015?
SM is Naval Helicopters operated by personnels from RSN or RSAF?
SM, in the SAF, officers are greeted as Sir/Ma'am, Warrants are greeted as Enciks / Sergeant Majors , specialist are greeted as Sergeants / Staff / Master Sergeant , what about the Military Experts?
SM why NCC has no color? is it because we don't go to war?
SM, does NDP has a parade 2 IC ? So far I only heard the emcee mention about PC,RSM,Color RSM , Contingent Commander
1. The blue and green lanyard sold at the gift shop does not represenets anything.
2. Volunteers will not be in uniform.
3. Next year there is no SYF Opening.
4. Yes, NCC will always be in NDP.
5. Naval Helicopter are managed by RSAF.
6. Military Experts are greeted as Military Experts.
7. Colors are meant for operational units. NCC is only a UG.
8. NDP does not have a Parade 2IC.
SM, when does will a usm/asm promote to MSG after senior spec cse?
SM can i still sign up to go for courses even though i POP already?
SM how much does a pace stick cost? My school's pace stick is broken & we're finding one currently. Thankyou!
1. 1 Aug is the official promotion date
2. You need to be a NCC Associate member to attend courses.
3. You may need to check with the NCC gift shop on the cost of a pace stick.
SM, can I feedback that we can have photo-taking in platoon level for SSC / ADC like in the past? This year I took SSC and realized there's no photo taking, I understand of the time rush we need to go to labrador, but we can do it on day 2 right? Because I felt that the photos can serve a memory for both cadets and cadet officers.
Sm i heard that central district spec course has been changed to for part Bs during the end of year, is that true?
How do i sign up for the Associate Member?
1. For SSC, you need to inform the CSM's as they are the Course Commanders.
2. No, where di you hear such rumours?
3. Drop me an e mail and I will send you the application form.
SM, If cadet officers want to draw no.1 uniform for school parades, who do we inform?
SM, during NDP are Lance Guards only from Armour Division? And what is the purpose of them as a lance guard?
1. If cadet officers wishes to loan no. 1 uniform they need to request through the District Commander.
2. Yes, Lance Guards are provided by the Armour Formation. They are the President's guards as a tradition during NDP.
Sm,does ASM of my unit get to draw no.3 uniform or only USM of my unit get to draw no.3 uniform?
Only USMs are entitled to draw no. 1 uniform
SM, are there any PTI and First Aid courses coming up? I was told there isn't any more of those courses..
Dear SM, can an AM attend courses like Airborne and Scuba Diving?
SM, i heard USM of each unit are collecting no.3 uniform,does the ASM need to collect no.3 uniform too?
SM may I know when is FSD AI course?
1. There is a PTI course and First Aid courses. Pls check with your CO.
2. Yes, AMs can attend those courses.
3. ASMs are not entitled to no. 3 uniforms.
4. FSD AI course is from 18 to 21 Nov.
Hi sm, when will the AI for the upcoming cadet officer course be out?
Sm,when is pds ai selection and pds ai course?
SM can cadets with 0 knowledge of PDS attend the BI course?
SM, is it true that SAF no longer has anymore PTI Course and there is no more PTI ?
SM when is COC ?
Sm,how to earn the pinnacle challenge badge?
I heard that you need go SSC and buy the badge at gift shop
Sm,how many cadets from each unit can be send for pds ai?
1. You can call this number on NCC Cadet Officer Course AI - 64773527
2. Unfortunately, there is no PDS AI course In Sep. The next PDS AI course will be conducted at end Nov.
3. Yes, cadets with no knowledge can attend the Basic PDS course
4. Yes, there is no more PTI course in SAF.
5. Pls read my earlier replies on Cadet Officer Course dates
6. You need to complete the Orienteering at a certain timing to earn the badge.
7. Cadets need to pass the PDS AI selections in order to attend the PDS AI course
SM, is COC residential?
SM is selection still open ?
SM, may i know when is the 1-day PDS BI and when is the AI selections?
1. COC is not residential
2. What selections?
3. There is no one day Basic PDS course.
SM, does Rigger course just about the packing of parachutes or does the trainee has to do live jumps too?
SM, are there no more 1 day PDS selections?
SM, when is the napfa test for coc ?
Sm,when is pds ai selection and will there be any refresher during the selection?
1. Rigger course is for packing of parachutes only.
2. There is no PDS AI selections for Sep
3. The PT test for COC will be made known later in the course AI.
SM,are there any more of 1 day PDS BI tests ? My friend went for one in May
SM, is there pds ai course during sep?
SM, after when will we be able to wear Total Defence Gold ?
sm, what are the criteria to pass pt test for coc ? What if one get bronze ? Does he get selected ?
1. You mean PDS certification?
2. For Gold Total Defence please check with your school unit CO.
SM, where to sign up for FSD AI course?
SM is it still available to join
can i join eventhough i am a coporal
can i join eventhough i am a coporal
1. FSD AI course is in Nov. You can sign up with your CO.
2. Yes, CPL can join the course.
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