Monday, January 30, 2006


24 hours has passed in the Year of the Dog and i hope your pockets are full, your stomachs are bursting and your vision is not blurred due to alcoholic drinks. HQ NCC celebrated ushered the New Year with a steam boat dinner at the canteen.

I hope by Thursday, applicants for the Supernumerary selection would be informed by your school NCC Officer on the dates and time to attend the selection. Wishing you the best of luck and pls pass the word around to the applicants. May the Corps be with YOU.


Monday, January 23, 2006


Evaluators, kindly note of the date and timings that you are required to turn up for the above-mentioned. Note that you won't be evaluating Cadets from your District.

**** **** **** **********
4 Feb 0830 hr Air Sea CLTs

10 Feb 1600 hr Sea Air CLTs

11 Feb 0830 hr West Central CLTs

17 Feb 1600 hr East West CLTs

18 Feb 0830 hr Central East CLTs

Attire will be in no.4 uniform with head dress. Reporting point is at NCC MPH. I would appreciate if you could report half an hour earlier for a brief by me before the evaluation commences. If you are able to assist as an Evaluator, kindly drop me a mail or sms me. Looking forward to your strong support to make this a smooth process. Regards.


Salaam Namaste,

To run the Supernumerary Training Camp, i need a minimum of 25 x CLTs and 15 x Cadet Supernumeraries. If you are free from 13 to 16 March 06 and would like to assist kindly drop me a mail or sms me. So far i only got 11 x CLTs and 1 x Cadet Supernumerary who has responded. Looking forward to your kind assistance and sacrifice for this first Supernumerary Training Camp. Wishing All a Happy Chinese New Year and don't forget to bring the cakes to my office when you drop by HQ. Gong Xi Fatt Choy. Cheers


Sunday, January 22, 2006

Supernumerary Selection Dates & Time
Listed below are the selection dates and timings. Kindly pass the word around to the applicants. They must be registered with me to attend the selection. Best of luck. 2004 Supernumeraries, need your kind assistance on the dates listed below. Will drop you a mail soon.

4 Feb, 0830 hr - AIR

10 Feb, 1600 hr - SEA

11 Feb, 0830 hr - WEST

17 Feb, 1600 hr - EAST

18 Feb, 0830 hr - CENTRAL

If they are unable to attend the stipulated date and time, drop me a mail and i will see what i can do. 1 more week to Chinese New Yr. Press On!


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Supernumeraries, the SD card that captured all the photos for the Senior Spec course in Nov/Dec was damaged. I lost all the photos. zilch. If you had used your camera to take the photos of the Company photo taking could you send me a copy. I need the photos for some admin purposes. Hoping to hear from you. Have a good weekend. Cheers.


The year is starting off with a big bang. I'm in the midst of preparing the NCC Challenge Quest presentation, sorting the administration for the Supernumerary selection and at the same time the preparations or the Affirmation Ceremony is kicking in.

Kindly pass the word around that the application for the Supernumerary Training Camp selection will close on 25 Jan 06. The response is truly overwhelming. Each District will only have 5 CLTs and 25 cadets for the Camp. The competition can only bring the status of the Supernumeraries to greater heights. Good luck and All the best.


Sunday, January 15, 2006

Salaam Namaste,

Its been a busy weekend for me sorting out the Supernumerary applicants administration. With my hands full, i'm also sorting out for Monday's approval of plan (AOP) to the Command Group for this year's NCC Challenge Quest. By the 3rd week of Feb 06, i need volunteers as S1 for the Supernumerary Camp to assist me on the admin work.

Hope to publish and inform all on the selection dates for the Camp.

Its 0050 hr . Need to catch up on my beauty sleep now. Cheers


Friday, January 13, 2006


Supernumeraries from Singapore. The NCC Open House ended today with approximately 1400 students visiting us from 59 schools. I must say it was a success.

For the past 2 months I have been receiving requests from so many Cadets & CLTs who wants to enrol in this year's Supernumerary Training Camp that would be held from 13 to 16 March 06 at Campus.

This is a good sign and what i set out to do is begining to take shape with your strong role modeling of a Supernumerary

It's a residential camp and I'm working out the final details. The camp info would be published by next week. I am still deciding on the minimum rank for entry to this Camp. Your views pls? 1SG or 2SG.

My hands will be full from next week onwards to finalise the details of the NCC Challenge Quest, Supernumerary Training Camp and Affirmation Ceremony 2006 that would be held on 25 March.

Till we meet again. 2004 Supernumeraries, if you are able to assist me on the Camp kindly drop me a mail. The dates are mentioned above and i need your full commitment.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Greetings, today HQ kicked off the NCC Open House which commenced at 1400 to 1800 hr. 19 schools visited the Open House, 30 more schools are scheduled to visit us tomorrow and we hope the rest would do so on Friday. I hope you can urge your Unit Officers to visit us as the Open House is for you and the aspiring Cadets to be.

By the end of this month i would publish on my blog on the support i need for the Supernumerary Training Camp, the selection dates for the participants and finally the broad concept of this year's Challenge Quest. If you have any ideas to share on how HQ can organise events for the Challenge Quest, pls e mail to me.

Counting on your support to serve with pride and dedication.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Kindly note that the CLT Course will be from 10 - 21 Apr 06

Last year we kicked off the NCC Challenge Quest with the following events:

Motivation Course
Road Relay

This year i would like to hear your suggestions on how HQ should conduct the Challenge Quest. It must be exciting, challenging and could be participated from Part A cadets to Teacher Officers. Your kind suggestions must reach me by 15 Jan 06. We would also be launching the Yellow Ribbon Project during the Challenge Quest. Please send your suggestions to me e-mail. Thanking you in advance and what a great start to the new year. signing off.........
Greetings, Supernumeraries. Its my first day back to work for the year 2006. This year at NCC will be an exciting and memorable one as we celebrate our 105th Anniversary. These are the events that are scheduled for the month of Jan 2006:

4 - Central Trainfire
5 - East Trainfire
6 - West Trainfire
11 - NCC Open House
- East Kayaking
12 - NCC Open House
13 - NCC Open House
- ICEP New Zealand till 24 Jan
15 - India Republic Day Exchange Program till 29 Jan
16 - Central Camp Feast
- IMT West
17 - Central Camp Feast
- East IMT
18 - IMT Central
- Sea Train Fire
- East 25m Range
- West Kayaking
19 - West 25m Range
- Air Train Fire
20 - Central 25m Range
- West IMT
- East TrainFire
23 - East Camp Feast
- Central IMT
24 - East Camp Feast
25 - Central Train Fire
- West 25m Range
- East/Air IMT
26 - West Train Fire
- East 25m Range
- Central IMT
27 - Air Train Fire

The highlight for Jan 06, is the NCC Open House. If you are not adequately prepared for NCC recruitment exercise at your school, just drop by to HQ on any of the 3 above mentioned dates and let us do the job of getting your Sec 1 students to join NCC. It would be a carnival theme with lots of displays, games and demonstrations. Your school recruitment exercise can never beat us on promoting NCC so inform your NCC Officers and enjoy the day with us. Be there or Be Square!!!!

The events for Feb and Mar would be put up on my blog by this weekend.

Kindly note that the next CLT course has now been rescheduled to mid April 06 and the following one sometime in the last quarter of the year. The actual dates for the Apr CLT course will be posted by this weekend.

Here are next 6 month overseas trip HQ NCC has to offer to deserving CLTs or Cadets:

Visit to New Zealand (13 - 24 Jan) 2 + 20 participants (All taken)
India Republic Day Camp (15 - 29 Jan) 2 + 10 (All taken)
Visit to Taiwan (1 - 10 Jun) 2 + 10 participants (Vacant)
Visit to USA (6 - 15 Jun) 2 + 12 participants (Vacant)
Visit to Brunei (13 - 22 Jun) 2 + 10 participants (Vancant)
Visit to Thailand (14 - 21 Jun) 2 + 10 participants (Vacant)

If you are interested in the overseas trips, kindly get in touch with your District Commanders, CSO or TCO.

Wishing one and all a Happy New Year.........